Free and Low Cost Mammograms Near You

Care for Yourself-Appanoose is affiliated with Iowa Care for Yourself Program/Department of Public Health of Des Moines, WA.

Care for Yourself-Appanoose

Care for Yourself-Appanoose provides mammograms in Iowa. To obtain more details on eligibility please contact Care for Yourself-Appanoose directly by calling (641) 437-4332.

Care for Yourself-Appanoose


What does this location offer?

This office office is a coordinator for the program that offers free mammogram Screening for eligible Iowa residents.

Who is eligible to this program?

All women is Iowa can enroll in the Care for Yourself program.

Is there an age restriction?

  • Yes.
  • Must be between the ages 40-64 years of age;are age 65 years or older and not enrolled in Medicare Part B;or Are under age 40 and have a breast lump or other signs of breast cancer: and meet the CFY Income Guidelines 2018

Do I need a Dr's referral for a free mammogram?

  • No
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Do I need to make an appointment to be seen?

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Do I need to be a resident of this county to get a free mammogram?

  • Yes
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Armani Guild
Armani Guild
Armani is a contributor who cares about women and breast cancer awareness.

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