Program Sponsor/Affiliation
Free Mammograms at this location are subsidized by
Pennsylvania Breast & Cervical CancerEarly Detection Program (PA-BCCEDP)
625 Forster Street
Harrisburg, PA - 17120
(800) 215-7494
1. Age
Breast cancer screening and diagnostics – If you are 40 through 64 years old
Cervical cancer screening and diagnostics – If you are 21 through 64 years old
2. Residency - You must live in Pennsylvania.
3. Income - You may be eligible for the PA-BCCEDP if your family's gross household income is at or below 250 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines.
4. Insurance status - You must be uninsured or underinsured.
Underinsured means you have health insurance, but it does not cover breast or cervical cancer screening, diagnostic services or both, offered by PA-BCCEDP or you are financially unable to pay any required deductible or co-payment.
5. Gender
If you are a biological woman you may be eligible.
If you are a transgender woman (M to F) and have taken or are taking hormones you may be eligible.
If you are a transgender man (F to M) you may be eligible if you still have breasts, a cervix or both.
Application/Enrollment Info
Call Hotline 1-800-215-7494
Pap and HPV tests; and
Follow-up diagnostic tests for abnormal screening results.
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