Program Sponsor/Affiliation
Free Mammograms at this location are subsidized by
Maine CDC Breast and Cervical Health Program (MBCHP)
11 State House Station
Augusta, ME - 04333
(207) 287-4348
With or without health insurance, to enroll in the MBCHP you must:
Be a Maine woman age 40 or older, with the following exceptions:
Women 35-39 who have seen a doctor and need follow-up tests for a possible breast or cervical cancer ; or
Women 35-39 who have not had a Pap test in 5 or more years.
Have household income less than or equal to 250% of the current Federal Poverty Level (FPL);
Health insurance with high deductibles, co-insurance, co-pays, or premiums.
Women receiving MaineCare or Medicare Part B are not eligible for MBCHP.
Application/Enrollment Info
Be a Maine woman age 40 or older*, and
Have household income less than or equal to 250% of the current Federal Poverty Level (FPL), and
Have no health insurance, or health insurance that does not cover mammograms or Pap tests (preventive cancer screening services), or has high deductibles, co-insurance, co-pays, or premiums.
Women receiving Medicare Part B or MaineCare benefits are not eligible for MBCHP. (Mammograms and Pap tests are covered under these programs.)
A breast and cervical cancer risk assessment
A Clinical Breast Exam (CBE)
A Pelvic Exam
A cervical cancer screening test
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