Primary Care Center is affiliated with Kentucky Women's Cancer Screening Program of Frankfort, KY.
Primary Care Center
Primary Care Center provides mammograms in Kentucky. To obtain more details on eligibility please contact Primary Care Center directly by calling (859) 288-2425.
What does the Kentucky Women's Cancer Screening Program provide?
They provide low-cost mammograms and Pap tests through health departments in every county.
They also provide breast and cervical screening and follow-up services, professional education, public education, outreach, quality assurance, and surveillance.
What are the 3 factors used to determine eligibility for breast cancer screening?
Age, income, uninsured (no private insurance, no Medicaid, no Medicare).
Do I need a Dr's referral for a free mammogram?
Do I need to make an appointment to be seen?
Do I need to be a resident of this county to get a free mammogram?
Women ages 21 and older
Household income at or less than 250 percent of the federal poverty level
No health insurance including Medicaid and Medicare Part B
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